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About Us


Northbrook Preschool is a private Christian preschool founded in 1982. We currently serve 274 children ages 12 months through Kindergarten.  Our program is accredited by the United Methodist Preschool Association.  In 2004, the teaching staff began the study of the Reggio Approach, an educational philosophy which began in Reggio Emilia, Italy.  Our faculty members have read many texts and articles about the approach; visited Reggio inspired schools throughout the United States; hosted a workshop by Italian educator, Amelia Gambetti, the International Network Coordinator for Reggio Children and the US Liaison for Consultancy to Schools; and visited the international exhibit, "The Wonder of Learning: The Hundred Languages of Chidren,"in Greenville, SC. In 2022, Northbrook began sending teachers and staff to Reggio Emilia to participate in a 6 day, 36 hour professional development course at the Loris Malaguzzi Center. Click here to learn more about the Loris Malaguzzi Center and Northbrook Preschool continued education initiative.


​     Northbrook Preschool is located on the campus of Northbrook United Methodist Church which has 18 acres of outdoor spaces filled with flowers, trees, and plants that allow for investigations of the natural world.  Throughout the year the church sets up a pumpkin patch and a Christmas tree lot which provide additional opportunities for exploration.  Geese, squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks, and birds are regular visitors to our site due to classrooms providing feeders that encourage their presence.  Classrooms utilize natural objects in the science and construction centers and throughout the rooms.  An outdoor chapel provides for a beautiful opportunity to praise God as well as in the sanctuary.


Our Environment

At Northbrook, the environment plays an important role in the teaching and learning process!  Our classroom spaces are comfortable, inviting and well organized, with items stored at the child's level to encourage independence.  Areas in a classroom include a class meeting space, a writing center, a construction area for blocks and building materials, a dramatic play area and an art center.
We also have spaces throughout the school that are shared by all the classes.  These spaces include our Indoor Playroom, a Teaching Kitchen, a Book Nook and an Art room.
We are blessed with 18 beautiful acres of property for the classes to roam and discover!  These areas are viewed as an extension of the classroom and teachers use them regularly to provide students the opportunity to connect with nature.  Our school environment encourages social and cognitive experiences.  Our children feel safe, loved and are encouraged to explore, discover and learn!

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